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Safeguarding Drinking Water Quality for Southern California.
Our Mission
The mission of the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California is to provide its service area with adequate and reliable supplies of high-quality water to meet present and future needs in an environmentally and economically responsible way.
Future of Reuse
The Future of Regional Water Reuse:
Pure Water Southern California
Now is an exciting time for recycled water programs across California. In December 2023, after nearly a decade of careful planning and review, with input from scientists and public health experts, the state released new direct potable reuse regulations that now permit the purification of recycled water for direct use in our drinking water systems. This has big implications for our Pure Water Southern California Program.
Tree Rebate
New Rebate for Trees:
Supporting Our Turf Replacement Program
Trees are nature’s superheroes. Metropolitan’s new tree rebate recognizes the invaluable role they play in maintaining healthy and resilient urban environments. Trees act as natural air purifiers, and their leaves and branches provide cool refuge with much-needed shade. That’s why Southern California residents can now receive a $100 rebate per tree for up to five trees planted while they replace thirsty grass with a more sustainable and water-efficient landscape.
Photo of a Coast Live Oak Tree.
Ensuring Water Quality
Water Quality Laboratory:
Highlighting Our Talented Staff
Just who are the people behind-the-scenes at Metropolitan providing award-winning drinking water for our six counties? They are the ones who run thousands of tests every year using the latest and best technology at Metropolitan’s renowned Water Quality Laboratory in La Verne.
The lab was established 50 years ago, the same year the Safe Drinking Water Act launched. This dedicated and highly skilled staff – about 100 employees who handle a wide range of assignments and initiatives – are all focused on the same mission. They safeguard the quality of drinking water we provide to our 26 member agencies and the communities they serve. As we recognize the anniversary of the lab, let’s look at some of our many talented water quality staff in action.
Leadership Today
Leadership Today
Water Tomorrow
It’s fitting that concentric circles are the cover design motif for Metropolitan’s latest publication, Leadership Today, Water Tomorrow. Concentric circles have a common center and run parallel. Metropolitan’s common core is providing reliable and safe water to Southern California in an environmentally and economically responsible way. The way we do that has many layers.
Learn more about our latest initiatives and accomplishments.
Current Events___
Tomorrow's Metropolitan___
Southern California’s water supplies are facing major long-term threats, brought on by climate change, emerging contaminants and evolving ecological needs. Metropolitan is committed to helping the region overcome these challenges with careful planning, vision and leadership to ensure our communities have the water they need for generations to come.
Pure Water
Southern California
Workforce Investment___
the Way.
Supplying 40 percent of California’s water resources requires a workforce that is as agile and efficient as the water delivery systems we develop and operate. Succession planning, diversity, and asset retention are vital areas of focus that are key to the success of our organization.
Strategic Priorities___
Pathway to
the Future.
With a focus on areas of change and opportunity, Metropolitan - in an inclusive process - identified five strategic priorities that form an action-based framework for our approach to transformation. They support long-term stability and are attuned to the challenges of climate change, responsibilities to the public and our workforce, the importance of a sound business plan and continued collaboration with the communities we serve.
EMPOWER the workforce and promote diversity, equity, and inclusion
SUSTAIN Metropolitan’s mission with a strengthened business model
ADAPT to changing climate and water resources
PROTECT public health, the regional economy, and Metropolitan’s assets
PARTNER with interested parties and the communities we serve
Learning to Conserve___
Supporting Sustainability Through Conservation.
Southern Californians get it. They know our water resources are not limitless. They’ve learned to conserve. And they know they can do more. That is where Metropolitan comes in. We offer water-saving tips, classes, and rebates for water-saving devices and sustainable landscaping. We are your partner as you learn how to make conservation a way of life.
Professional Opportunities___
with Met.